Friday, March 12, 2010

The Voice of An Unborn Baby Named Praise

“Could it be that through this,

Praise will save more people than just her Mommy?”

I saw this comment about my blog on a friend’s page, and my heart skipped a beat. What a thought, and yet I believe it’s a possibility! Read on and you’ll see why…

I am just a simple girl who likes to observe this amazing thing called Life, and I find it immensely therapeutic to write about my observations. I’ve never written a book or been published in a magazine. Other than a column in my small-town local newspaper that I wrote during my Senior year of High School, I’m unpublished at all. I just like to write. And because of my recent miscarriage experience, I found the miracle of Praise and Tiana particularly touching and knew that I needed to write about it. In fact, the words burned in my heart all night, and I got up early yesterday to transfer those words to my blog. I hardly knew what keys I was pressing as I typed as the tears fell and the words flowed. Looking back, I honestly believe that the words were God’s and not mine.

But I have been reminded of one of life’s simple truths: when you become transparent and allow yourself to be vulnerable by opening up about the experiences in your life, other people who have had similar experiences are drawn to you. If you remain sensitive to God and have a tender heart, you can minister to these people…or at the very least, you can just listen to them, which is all many people need for you to do.

Being honest and open about my miscarriage wasn’t the easiest decision, but I knew it was the best one. It’s been the deepest and most difficult pain to deal with that I’ve ever had in my life. However, I knew that although I was hurting, reaching out to others is always the right thing to do. It’s hard to wallow in self-pity or become depressed when your arms are open to others, and your hands are wiping away the tears of someone else.

And here is how I believe Praise is reaching out, and saving more people than just her Mommy: God allowed her story to flow through my simple blog and touch more people than I ever imagined. Consider these facts:

When I wrote my blog about Praise yesterday, the visitor count on my blog was 816. Within 4 hours, it was over 1200, and at this moment it is 1377. Give or take a few, that is 561 people who have read about Praise and the mighty hand of God.

My blog post was re-posted by more people than I even knew, reaching hundreds of other people. Another way that Praise is reaching people beyond my realm of influence.

All day yesterday, I was overwhelmed at the private emails and comments from both people I’ve known for years, and perfect strangers. And these people have opened up about their own personal losses in ways they haven’t revealed to even their closest friends. Many have recounted details such as the names of their angel babies, the anniversaries of their loss, how they’ve dealt (or struggled with) their grief and pain, and they’ve asked for prayer or advice.

People who do not even belong to a church or believe in God have contacted me and told me how the story touched them.

So this is how Praise is saving others; those people who have been suffering in pain and silence are reading about hope. They are reaching out in love and allowing healing. And best of all, the story of God’s love and miraculous intervention is being spread as a testimony to His glory and power…far beyond what I could ever reach. If we remain silent about what God has done in our lives, we are muting what could be a powerful testimony that reaches others.

And I realized that while Praise never took a breath, never uttering a single cry….we can be her voice. We can tell of what God did with her and how He is wonderful. We can tell the testimony of Tiana and Praise, and in doing so, we are the voice of Praise. We can open up about our own pain and trials, and reach out to others who just need to know that someone out there understands…and in doing so, we are the voice of Praise. We can bare our hearts and reveal our hurts, and show how God has brought healing to the deepest wounds of our lives so that others may find that healing…and in doing so, we are the voice of Praise.

I ask you, my friends; open your heart. Share this story. Reach out of your own pain and wipe the tears of others, and don’t let this story of Praise die. Spread this and your own testimony, and BE the Voice of Praise!

To God Be The Glory, For The Things He Has Done!


  1. Soshawana-

    My dad (Douglas Morgans) forwarded me this story. It greatly touched him and I. Thanks for sharing. You're children are beautiful! I daily wonder why we ever left Hawaii!!

    Veronika Kramel

  2. I love the pic of the precious baby with Jesus. Please let me know whom I may contact for the right to use it in materials for a workshop for bereaved mothers.
