I can't believe I'm going to blog about sports! But I guess, maybe it's not too weird. I never thought of myself as being a sports fanatic, because to me, a sports fanatic is one of those guys who come to parties and spend all their time spouting trivia details such as the winner of the 1976 Super Bowl or who had the best batting average in 1992. A sports fanatic has jerseys for all their favorite players, spends hours watching live and recorded games, and turns blue in the face if you dare mention an 'enemy' team. And since I don't have any jerseys (yet), don't know who won which Super Bowl, and can't tell you how to calculate batting averages, I don't consider myself a sports fanatic.
HOWEVER, does golf count as a sport....ha...just kidding, of course it does. And I LOVE golf! Before marrying my husband, I thought golf must be the most boring thing in the world. But in the early days of our marriage (before kids, of course), I loved to sit and watch him play his golf game on the PlayStation. He'd explain everything from pars to putting strategy. I guess in a way, it was a bonding experience, and as a blissful newlywed I wouldn't have cared if he was talking about golf or stock exchange rates as long as we were spending time together. A weird thing happened; I started to be very interested in golf. I went with him to the driving range and learned about clubs. I drove with him in the golf cart as he played, and as I breathed in the scent of open air and grass, I fell in love with the sport. It was so fascinating to observe...and that's what I should clarify; I do not play golf myself, but rather I love watching it and knowing about it! I absolutely love watching it played, and trying to figure out what the player is thinking and how he's gauging his putt. To me, it's incredibly interesting because it's a game played so much in the mind, as well as in the physical. There are no team dynamics; other than the player, his skill, and his brain. So cool!

Hogan's Bridge at the Augusta National Golf Course in Georgia, home of The Masters
And of course, I've always been a fan of Tiger Woods, because of his game. His drive and ambition. His goals and determination. The way he could block out so much and play the game with his mind, and how the other players fall like chess pieces when Tiger is in the zone and hurtling down the back nine with a steel-trap focus glinting in his eyes. I mean, how can you not stand back and be amazed at that sort of playing? Those golf-record-shattering statistics played out in front of our eyes? Even his competition begrudgingly admits their admiration. I know all about his recent personal drama, and as a woman, wife, and mother I am very ashamed and disappointed in him. In all honesty, I truly hope he gets everything repaired as much as possible because I'd love to know that his marriage and family are doing well. And then as a golf fan, I eagerly anticipate his return to golf because I want to see him continue to play well, and to continue to set golf records.
And then...there are the SAINTS! Oh my, when those SAINTS go marching in! I grew up in Bogalusa, near New Orleans, and whether you liked football or not, you lived in the Saints Nation, Under God. Don't bother telling me about their less-than-stellar record; I lived in the years of bags over heads and sad Sundays with disappointing trumps by other teams. However, being a fan doesn't mean you stop liking a team (or golf player) just because they are losing! A true fan loves a team even when they are down. A true fan is faithful. And the reward for that, is that when the team is WINNING finally, you can rejoice even more fully!
I remember going to my friend's houses on Sundays (we didn't own a TV) and watching the games. I've been to the Superdome countless times. I could play "Oh When The Saint's Go Marching In" on the trumpet. And even though I've moved away, I've never cared about any other NFL team. I've always loved the Saints, even though I didn't follow them as closely as some of my friends have. I couldn't tell you the first and last names of most of the players, although I admired Reggie Bush and his talent for reasons I can't really explain. But this year my attention was certainly jerked back to the Saints Nation as Drew Brees and his mighty arm began to gain national attention. The American nation, not just the Saints Nation, that is. The wins have piled up and I have breathlessly watched, dancing to "Who-Dat" (much to my husband's amusement) thousands of miles away from Louisiana, here in Hawaii. My friend Kari Jordan and I texted our game commentary to each other during the entire Saints VS Falcons game. And now I am finally ready to move on to the next level of fanhood and buy a jersey; I just can't decide if I should celebrate Brees and his leadership or my loyalty to Bush.

So there you have my sports thoughts on Tiger and the Saints. Here's to the Super Bowl for the Saints and a soon return, with stellar wins and an improved personal life, of Tiger Woods.
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