Friday, January 8, 2010

The Genetics of Sewing

My Mom is one of the best seamstresses I know. My entire life has been filled with images of her busily working at her sewing machine creating virtual works of art; everything from mundane drapes to delicate wedding dresses and tiny baby clothes. When we get separated at Wal-Mart, without even thinking my feet begin walking to the fabric department because I instinctively know that's where I'll find her. But it has seemed like that Sewing Gene didn't make it into my DNA. As a young girl, I tried to learn to sew but perhaps I just didn't have patience for it then, because I quickly gave up and returned to easier activities; like reading a book or talking to my friends on the phone.

But fast forward a million years, add a husband and two kids, and suddenly I've found myself wishing I could sew. We need curtains in Samuel's room and I can't find any I like. I want my daughter to wear long flowing '70's style dresses and these are surprisingly difficult to find. But for me, the thing that pushed me over the edge and made me decide to get a sewing machine was when my son had to start taking his sister's Hello Kitty blanket to school to use for his naps. Again, not able to find a great nap blanket that we really like enough to buy. He's in Preschool so I don't think the other boys are teasing him about Hello Kitty yet, but as his Mom I wince every time I think of him snuggling down for a nap wrapped in that blanket. "I can make a better one for him," I thought. And so, for Christmas I asked for a sewing machine.

On a side note, you should see my friend Amy and her new-found creativity. We always end up doing things on the same time table and it seems that our Sewing Genes have mysteriously manifested within months of the others! She, however, has had hands-on help from her mother-in-law and this combined with her natural amazing talent means that she is already making things to sell. Today is the Grand Opening of her new hoodie line! Check out her blog: The Adventures of the Miraflor Family: Thank You!!:

Anyway, I have stumbled and sweated over the simplest things on this machine. Just learning to thread the bobbin (and figuring out what a bobbin even was) resulted in a broken needle (but then I learned out to replace a needle), thread being wound tightly INSIDE the machine instead of on the bobbin, and a few long, exasperated sighs. All before I learned how to sew a stitch.

But I'm sort of, kind of, figuring it out. Slowly walking out into the depths of this Sewing World. I don't know if I'll be able to sew and sell things like Amy, and I'll never be as good as my mom, but at least it's fun and my kids will be benefitting from my efforts. So here are some pics of my first ever completed projects!

This is Samuel with his new, anti-Hello Kitty nap blanket for school, and the matching pillowcase for his bed here at home. Who knows, maybe I'll get brave enough to do a whole sheet set one day!

This was just a plain red t-shirt, but the idea came to me during church last Sunday (sorry God!) to just cut the bottom part off, sew and attach a skirt, and use the rest of the t-shirt material to make some ruffles on the top. Here's the result...Elton likes it! And I love how it is so light and long that it touches the top of Olivia's cute little bare toes. Hippie-Style.

And here's the close up of the ruffles. Not perfect, but I wanted it to look whimsical.

And lastly, this is just an old denim skirt I wanted to dress up a little. It's supposed to be a little flower garden, with a little hem of "grass" on the bottom.

I'm sure everyone reading this blog could come up with better ideas and execute them more creatively, but at least I'm being's to honing my Sewing Gene!


  1. yayayayayay this is awesome! I love this~ good job! This is blog is awesome and really helped me learn to come up with some creative ideas.

    love you xoxo

  2. Wow! Good job with your projects. I am very impressed!!!

    I have been telling Paul I really should try to sew again. I tried in Lubbock with my mother-in-laws sewing machine and had a similar story like yours...lets just say that I thought I was sewing and in reality the thread was getting tangled where the bobbin is...I was so frustrated that I just put it away; thread tangled and all. My poor mother-in-law got her sewing machine back but it wasn't like I got it (tangle free!)

    Anyway, I think that for our anniversary I will get a sewing machine. We'll see...

    Good luck on your next project. I can't wait to see it!
