Well, thanks to my friend Amy, I was awarded with this today:

According to the rules, I am supposed to list 10 Interesting Things About Me. Really? I feel like I'm an open book anyway, to friend or foe!
However, I've accepted this award from her and therefore here are the 10 Things. I hope you find them Interesting:
1. I robbed the cradle; I am 3 years and 11 months older than my husband. It's great :)
2. I wish I could move to Ireland.
3. I can't say "Bob's Big Boys" (a restaurant here in Hawaii). When I try, it comes out with an "s" on the end of Big.
4. I would LOVE to watch an autopsy. I think the human body is so cool and I want to see inside of it!
5. I still sleep with my baby blanket. Its name is Banky and it's threadbare, but don't TOUCH it or you'll lose a finger. My husband and kids are aware of this rule.
6. This list is tougher than you'd think. But anyway... oh, I wrote a column in the town newspaper when I was a senior in High School. Campus Comments, baby!
7. When I was 19 I rode a train from Sacramento, California to Denver, Colorado but I'd lost my wallet and had no money, so I had no food for 3 days. I had just enough coins in my purse to get a little carton of milk one day, and that's it. When my sister met me in Denver she brought me a foot-long Subway and I ate the whole thing before I even got my luggage...ha...
8. Celebrities I've seen in person: Cate Blanchett, Billy Bob Thornton, Brad Pitt, Jennifer Aniston, Matt Damon, Renee Russo, Evangeline Lily, and a few other minor ones I'd have to wikipedia to remember their names. They were all surprisingly shorter in person.
9. I've read the entire Bible through about 5 or 6 times in my life and every time I do, I learn so much that I never knew before. I highly recommend you do this, and try a different version than you're used to reading!
10. I wish we still dressed like they did in the 'olden' days where men wore suits, ties, and fedora hats every day.
On another note, I completed another little sewing project today. I will be HONEST and confess that I did this sewing instead of these other high-priority tasks that I'm SUPPOSED to be working on:
1. Designing the syllabus for the Hawaii District Ladies Conference
2. Listing items on eBay for some family members
3. Cleaning the house
4. Doing the dishes
Ugh...there are always demands on your time, aren't there? But I promised myself I'd do items 1-4 this week, even if I have to stay up late.
It was fun to make little travel pillows for my kids though. They love holding pillows in the car and I was tired of seeing big pillows being tossed around in our vehicle. These are perfect because they can use them all different ways to get comfortable. Today on the way to Costco Olivia put hers to good use and napped comfortably.
There is 8 ounces of fiberfill in each one so they are very soft but full.
Below is my sweet Liv with her new pillow.
OMW you were WITHOUT FOOD FOR 3 DAYS?? I seriously have no words for that one. I'm impressed. You are too funny.
ReplyDeletexoxo love the pillows
fun! i have trouble saying Bob's Big Boys too... :)