Autism. How that little word strikes fear in a parent's heart.
Trust me, I know.
My son is on the autism spectrum, with a diagnosis of PDD-NOS. That is a fancy way of saying that he has some certain autistic characteristics and traits, but not enough to qualify for an actual "he has autism" diagnosis. The world of PDD-NOS is confusing, uncertain, fearful, hopeful, and always changing.
I can't begin to describe how it makes a parent feel...but today I read another blog post that very well summed up the feelings. If you are interested, read it here. Be prepared to cry.
So, I haven't blogged about this much because frankly, it's very personal. It hurts. It's scary. I prefer to talk about the funny, smart things that my wonderful 4-year old firstborn does. Samuel is intelligent, hilarious, handsome, tall, and my favorite little boy in the whole world! He also has PDD-NOS. Most of the time, I don't remember his particular diagnosis and the issues that come with it.
Most of the time.
Last week, some things had happened that reminded me of that diagnosis and I got scared. Again. And retreated a bit into my head to think and pray about it all...again.
In a moment of desperation, I mentioned something on FaceBook (also known as broadcasting to the entire world) about it...and was so glad that I did, because the response was wonderful. I had several people contact me privately, and they shared their own stories with me about their experiences with autism. I had no idea that these friends of mine were also struggling with similar issues! I was so encouraged and inspired.
So last night, I was talking to my dear friend about this, and she told me that I should blog in more detail about this autism/PDD-NOS journey. That it might encourage others.
I don't know...I wonder if there are people out there truly interested in what I have to say? About my experiences...the tests...the melt-downs...the ups and downs...the lessons learned?
If you read my blog and would really like to see more posts about this, please let me know.
Now, on to something fun...
Spring is almost here, although my friends in the middle of the USA might feel otherwise! Hoping everyone is surviving the Feb 2011 Blizzard!
If you live there and have internet access, log on to Evy's Tree and have your spirits uplifted by looking at all the great, bright spring colors! The snow WILL melt and the sun WILL warm you and you WILL want some nice tee shirts! So enter her is one of my personal favorites because I am looking for a nice GREEN item for St. Patrick's Day!

Good luck!
I'd love to hear about your journey. Even though I don't have a kid with autism, I could very well be in the same boat someday. Or even if it's not autism, we all can learn from your lessons learned and apply them to our specific circumstances :)