Monday, August 2, 2010

My Selfish Confession for the Day

Last year at this time, I was crying and moaning about my baby boy going off to his first day of school. Well, in my defense, he was only TWO and it was to a preschool at a REGULAR public elementary school! With a birthday in August, he's one of those late fall babies that are always a little younger than the other classmates. He turned three a few weeks after school started.

Fast forward to this year; first day of school once more...and I am certainly not crying and moaning about anything...haha! Yes he's still three (turns four soon) and it's the same preschool at the same public school, but things are much different this year.

He's been asking about school ALL SUMMER LONG and this, to put it mildly, has been an annoying echo in my ears. Every single day and usually several times a day. SHEESH!

But on a serious note, he thrives so well at school. He has a speech delay and receives speech therapy at school, and this has really, really helped him by leaps and bounds. Just comparing his speech from now to one year ago is astounding. Public education (and Hawaii's system in particular) may have downfalls in some areas but I give his teachers and speech therapist a standing ovation. They have done wonders with him and certainly deserve the appreciation.

Totally ecstatic to return to the classroom this morning.

Also, from a purely selfish parent stand-point, I've noticed that he behaves better when school is in session! All those hours of following instructions and copying his peers...during the school year he listens and obeys so much better than in the summer time. Am I alone in noticing it just my kid?!?

And then there's the pickiness about food...heavens; I do not know how he survives in the summer because he eats so very, very little. It's a nightmare and we've tried everything. But during the school year....yeah...he eats so much better! Something about eating the cafeteria food (blech) with all his buddies transforms him into a lot less pickier eater at home.

And one more selfish parent thing; the house is quieter in the morning, I get a whole lot more done, I get to have some nice one-on-one time with Olivia, and I can even lie down with her when she takes a nap and if I'm lucky, I get a short nap too! Whoo-hoo! I know, totally selfish. But awesome.

Last year she was just crawling; this year she walked with him to school.

So no tears for me this year! I know that in the future, I may want to follow my original plans and homeschool Samuel, but for now, he is in the best possible situation for his needs. He is getting so much help and positive enrichment and I would be selfish to remove him from that environment at this time.

And today I got the floor picked up & vacuumed, the dishes done, and ALL of my laundry done before noon! Wowsers! AND I get to sit here in the quiet while Olivia is napping, and update my blog! Thank you, return of the school year :)

I love you Samuel, but have a great day at school!

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