Tuesday, August 4, 2009

PreSchool Adventures

July 31, 2009

Preschool Day One - I was fine until walking onto the school campus for the first time, seeing new backpacks, excited students, and smelling School; that unforgettable, unmistakable aroma that is ingrained into the psyche of every former public school student. This aroma causes my eyes to sting with tears, and my throat closes tightly to hold back a sob. Samuel seems excited and was so occupied playing with the new toys that he barely had time to tell his Silly emotional Mommy "BUH-byee!". I walk back to the house and start a busy day that is planned to squash the emotions.

August 3, 2009

Preschool Day Two - Silly Mommy....I mistakenly showed up to retrieve my child from school an hour and a half early! I guess I missed him. I post his scribbled-marker picture on my fridge; it's beautiful.

August 4, 2009

Preschool Day Three - He doesn't even want to eat or drink anything, but prefers to immediately dress and stand by the door, longingly watching the other kids walk to school. While walking onto the campus we see a slightly older, taller boy wheeling his Transformers backpack. I glance at Samuel and see him watching the boy; then his pace picks up a bit and he pulls his shoulders back a little and pulls his Cars backpack a bit faster, with an achingly-adorable and innocent grin on his face. He is a School Student.

I go to the office to pay for his lunches for this week; $1.25 a day! On one hand, this is cheap, certainly less than the cost of a McNugget Happy Meal. On the other hand, his favorite meal in life is a McNugget Happy Meal and everything else is like pig slop, in his toddler pickiness. So I am probably spending $1.25 a day for the goldfish and animal crackers that he'll allow himself to consume in lieu of a Happy Meal.

Walking back home (alone), I still have twinges of emotion. Silly Mommy.

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