I wish I had more time to blog. For that matter, I wish I had time to shower alone more than once a week, on Saturdays when my husband is available to watch the minions. But back to the blogging...yes. It's therapeutic. I like writing. I like blogging. It's nice to get things out of my head and into the universe. I really need to do this more! Although, in the last few years I've had a ton of things in my head that should NOT be put into the universe, probably. But that's another story for another day when I can ignore the minions long enough to grab this laptop and sit down with my thoughts.
I'm going to make more of an effort, because it's good for me and my soul, and also because there just MAY be someone out there reading it, you never know! I found this out when I got a ping on my phone this week when someone tweeted me, which of course piqued my interest because I also rarely tweet. Basically a blogger (someone who actually blogs, and therefore deserves to be called a blogger, versus my sad unblogging self), came across one of my old posts and has found it in her heart to publish it in a book that she's writing about craft fails. Am I offended? NOT AT ALL. I think it's HILARIOUS!
I love Pinterest and I always try and actually do many of the things that I pin. The meals come out surprisingly well, as evidenced by my husband who frequently complains about his weight, and sometimes some of the other things do as well. But many times my best efforts are absolute FAILS and it just makes me laugh. I am totally NOT Martha Stewart but I sure have fun attempting awesome things.
Anyway, back to Heather. Wow I am totally scattered today and this post will show it! Of course I keep get interrupted by kids complaining about siblings hitting them or eating their Battleship pieces (that's going to be one Destroyer of a diaper later tonight), and so on. See why I rarely blog?
So Heather seems nice. I think we could be friends in real life. I will confess that after she contacted me, I cyber-stalked her to make sure she wasn't a weird cyber stalker who just wanted access to my kids pictures or some other lame thing that cyber stalkers want. She seems cool and maybe we'll meet one day. She has an awesome blog called DollarStoreCrafts as well as CraftFail. Her book is coming out in 2014 and I am HONORED that this blog post (my epic Hula Hoop Rug Fail) will be included in her book, amongst the other equally awesome crafty people such as myself.
When it comes out I'll let ya'll know so you can buy it!
Aww, that brought a meta-tear to my eye. :) Let's be friends! :)