ARG so much going on right now, with us moving to the Kapolei area of Oahu. This is an exciting time, and one we've been looking forward to for awhile...ok a looooooong while....but it's also pretty stressful in some ways.
Packing and moving a household of 5 people would be a challenge no matter what, but with 3 of those people age 4 and under, it's interesting. Samuel keeps asking for certain books/toys and when he's reminded that those are packed in boxes, he responds with a very 15-year-old sounding; "Aww, MAN!" It's really funny. He needs to be prepared well in advance when something 'different' is happening, so he's been told what is going on and can recite it to anyone who asks; "We are putting everything in boxes. The boxes go in a big truck. We drive the big truck to NEW HOUSE and take the boxes out. We cut into the boxes and get out all our toys again."
Sounds simple, right? haha yeah, to him.
The Ko'Olina Lagoons will be our closest beach area;
which is great because we love to take our kids there already!

Olivia doesn't understand the move, and probably won't even remember living here in this place since she was born here and is only about to turn 3. She's just going with the flow, which means her usual asking for a Princess movie, needing more juice or chocolate milk or snacks or to go to the potty or wanting her blanket or her pillow or crying about Samuel doing something or crying because she saw a bug, or crying for no reason at get the picture. She is high-maintenance to say the least.
Olivia playing "Packing and Moving"; where she packs a box full of toys, writes on it with a pen, closes it and moves it to another room where she proceeds to open and unpack it. Since this is the first move of her entire life, my sister and I decided this proves that moving is in her DNA. Yep, I passed on some gypsy blood I guess!
And Emma needs everything a 7-month old baby needs, which is food, diapers, sleep, and constant supervision because everything goes into her mouth and she is trying to learn to walk already.
Ems trying to stand climb on the boxes in her determination
to actually walk before we leave this house!
It's fun here!
But I've been thinking about blessings and how I want to be sure and remind myself about the ones I have in my life. I want to remember to thank God for them because I surely don't deserve them. For everything bleh in my life, I want to stop and turn the bleh moment into hurray!
The house we are moving to won't be THAT much bigger. But it WILL have another bedroom AND a front yard AND a backyard, both fenced in, which is a crazy blessing here in Hawaii.
It's a pain to pack everything. But God has prepared me for this; this is my 15th move in life so really, I'm a pro and it requires very little mental energy to efficiently pack. Heavens knows I need my mental energy for other things.
It's hot here and icky to work in. But we are moving to a higher elevation which should be cooler and rainer...yay! My kids may even actually wear clothes during the day if it's cool enough!
My kids, husband, and myself have good health. My husband is awesome and I'm so proud of him for getting this new job and making this big move for his family, because it's just one more step up for us on our road in life.
My kids are amazing. Samuel will be starting Kindergarten in a new school and has no fear whatsoever; he's so excited about it and I know he'll do well in the new program. He's reading 3-letter words and hearing him sound out words makes my heart jump with pride. Olivia is trying to potty train and is SUCH a good little mommy to Emma. Emma...oh my word....that child is gorgeous and sweet and I spend so many moments of the day just kissing her! I can't help it! She may be my last baby and that alone is reason to slow down and enjoy her adorableness!
OK, back to work. I just really wanted to share an attitude of gratitude!